A post on X from the Hawai’i Department of Transportation states the Ellison Onizuka Kona International Airport at Keahole is closed until further notice. Official links to X account below.
**Update 2033hrs HI Time
Hawai’i DOT FB page says expected to reopen Tuesday, January 16th, but no time given. The X.com page does not give that information only an update.

**Update 1800hrs HI Time
This is due to cracks on the runway. Check your flight plans if you are heading to KOA to see how they are routing or delaying flights to Kona.
Will update this article and on x.com (Twitter) as I learn more.
I just put together a Kona Airport guide and with all the construction going on will be watching it closely as things change on the ground. Enjoy this walk-through video of the Kona Airport as well.
KOA reopened 0600L 1/16/24.